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Why Publish with Us?


We emphasize a detailed peer review process that utilizes experienced and highly trained scientists drawn from across the world. The step-by-step evaluation of the submitted manuscripts ensures that our products have reliable and well researched content that can inform policy. We index our publications in intentionally accoladed platforms and archive them widely for posterity and availability.

Open Access

All MJ& M journals subscribe to the open access policy and all published articles are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-NC-SA) license. As such, all articles can be accessed from anywhere around the world. We believe that by doing so, we increase article visibility & impact the scientific fraternity.


The peer review process is robust and rapid. From the time of submission to publication, we often try to remain within an average of 28 days.

The Submission Process

At MJ&M, we are dedicated to promoting the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the advancement of research in the fields of biomedical and health sciences. To this end, we welcome submissions of original research articles, review articles, case reports, and other types of scientific content that are relevant to these fields.

The submission process at MJ&M journals is straightforward and designed to be as easy as possible for authors.

Overview of the submission process:

Review submission guidelines: Before submitting your article, it is important to review our submission guidelines, which are available on our website. These guidelines outline the requirements for submitting articles to our journals, including formatting, length, and content requirements.

Prepare your manuscript: Once you have reviewed our submission guidelines, you can prepare your manuscript for submission. This should include all the necessary components, such as an abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, references, and any figures or tables.

Submit your manuscript: Submit your manuscript through our online submission system, which is available on our website. You will need to provide some basic information about your manuscript, including the title, authors, and abstract.

Initial review: Once we receive your submission, our editors will perform an initial review to determine whether your article is suitable for publication in one of our journals. If there are any concerns or issues, our editors will contact you with feedback.

Peer review: If your article is accepted for peer review, it will be sent to a panel of experts in your field for review. Our peer-review process is rigorous and designed to ensure that all published articles meet the highest standards of scientific rigor and quality.

Revision and final acceptance: If revisions are required, our editors will provide feedback and guide you through the revision process. Once the revisions are complete and the article has been accepted, it will be published in one of our journals.

We understand that submitting an article can be a complex process, and our editors are available to provide support and guidance throughout the submission process. If you have any questions or need help with your submission, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Review Process

The peer review process at MJ&M journals is a critical component of our commitment to promoting the dissemination of high-quality scientific knowledge in the fields of biomedical and health sciences. Our rigorous review process is designed to ensure that all published articles meet the highest standards of scientific rigor and quality.

Web of Science
Google Scholar

Our Publishing Metrics

The manuscript journey after submission to any of the MJ& M Biolabs journals will largely fall within the following timelines. As this process is also dependent on how fast and accurate authors revise their manuscripts, it may sometimes vary.


Initial Editorial Review

2 Days: Accept or Reject

Manuscript Review

14 Days: Accept or Reject

Manuscript Acceptance

14 - 21 Days


21 - 28 Days